Origin For Event 20110404-3

Preferred:Emblem favoriteMinimum Distance:0.17°
Time:2011-04-04 12:17:02.850Maximum Distance:0.57°
Time Error:0.030 sFixed Time:no
Time RMS:0.020 sFixed Location:no
Position30.0316°N, 31.3174°EFixed Depth:no
Number of Stations:3Fixed Phase:no
Number of Phases:5Analysis Type:Automatic
Reference Elevation:0 kmLocation Method:Inversion
Depth:5.00 kmEvent Type:Suspected Earthquake
Depth Error:9999.90 kmAuthor:Hydra_1.4
Ellipse Major:2989.70 kmComment:This is an UNCHECKED, FULLY AUTOMATIC LOCATION calculated using USGS/NEIC Hydra operated by Nanometrics
Ellipse Minor:80.20 kmOcean:
Ellipse Strike:141.0°Nearest Place:0.9 km from Al Jabal al Akhḑar, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Azimuth Gap:330.00°Nearest Major Place:681 km N of Aswan