Origin For Event 20210201-5

Preferred:Emblem favoriteMinimum Distance:0.43°
Time:2021-02-01 06:24:05.100Maximum Distance:0.91°
Time Error:Fixed Time:no
Time RMS:0.10 sFixed Location:no
Position27.6183°N, 34.1567°EFixed Depth:no
Number of Stations:52Fixed Phase:no
Number of Phases:6Analysis Type:Manual
Reference Elevation:0 kmLocation Method:
Depth:26.47 kmEvent Type:
Depth Error:1.05 kmAuthor:
Ellipse Major:Comment:
Ellipse Minor:Ocean:Red Sea
Ellipse Strike:Nearest Place:
Azimuth Gap:230.00°Nearest Major Place:32 km SW of Sharm El-Sheikh