Origin For Event 20210320-4

Preferred:Emblem favoriteMinimum Distance:28.54°
Time:2021-03-20 09:09:47.030Maximum Distance:106.93°
Time Error:1.75 sFixed Time:no
Time RMS:0.86 sFixed Location:no
Position38.5256°N, 141.6026°EFixed Depth:no
Number of Stations:17Fixed Phase:no
Number of Phases:17Analysis Type:Manual
Reference Elevation:0 kmLocation Method:Inversion
Depth:69.70 kmEvent Type:Suspected Earthquake
Depth Error:26.60 kmAuthor:NRIAG
Ellipse Major:43.20 kmComment:MANUALLY REVIEWED LOCATION
Ellipse Minor:14.60 kmOcean:North Pacific Ocean
Ellipse Strike:112.0°Nearest Place:
Azimuth Gap:272.00°Nearest Major Place:9216 km E of Rafah